
Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete

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KEN - XLVII. Chemistry Lectures 29-31 October 2024


XLVII. Chemistry Lectures 29-31 October 2024

Hungarian Chemical Society – Group of Csongrád County



It is a great honor and pleasure to cordially invite you at the

XLVII. Chemistry Lectures

that will be held in Szeged, Hungary during

29-31 October 2024

The traditional event of the Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE) awaits the application of young professionals, researchers, BSc, MSc, and PhD students in all fields of chemistry. The language of the presentation can be Hungarian or English (the language of the abstract/short communication should be the same as that of the presentation). Following the tradition, the conference will feature “Nívó’ Prizes for the best master’s theses of graduated students from Hungary sponsored by MKE.

The deadline for the conference registration is 19th October 2024, for the abstract submission is 22nd October 2024. The registration fee is 25.000 HUF or 20.000 HUF for the members of the Hungarian Chemical Society.You can apply for MKE membership at their website by filling out the required documents and paying the annual fee.     

You can find the application form on the following link.

The registration fee should be paid based on the pro forma invoice sent after the registration until 25th October 2024.

Contact information:

$1       e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

$1       phone: +36 62 54 4209 (Laci), +36 39276050 (Laci)

Supporting information for the preparation of abstracts, as well as additional information about the conference, can be found on the conference’s website, as well as at the Facebook event.

Sponsors of the event:   Hungarian Chemical Society, MTA Szegedi Akadémiai Bizottság, Hungarian Chapter of the American Chemical Society, University of Szeged

We reserve the right to make changes. If there will be restrictions affecting the organization of the conference on the above date, the conference will be held online. The paid registration fees are not refundable.

MKE Group of Csongrád County
Hilda Kovács, Árpád Turcsányi and László Seres organizers



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