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Anton Paar Zeta

Let us measure your sample’s Zeta potential

29-08-2019, 14:00 - 30-08-2019, 12:00
Telepy utca 24, Budapest, 1096

Now you can have your samples measured with our Anton Paar instrument.
Let us measure your sample’s Zeta potential with Anton Paar SurPASSTM 3 Solid Surface Charge analyzer system.

SurPASS™ 3 is a high-end electrokinetic analyzer featuring fully automated zeta potential analysis of macroscopic solids in real-life conditions. SurPASS™ 3 employs the classic streaming potential and streaming current method for a direct analysis of the surface zeta potential. The zeta potential is related to the surface charge at a solid/liquid interface and is a key parameter for understanding surface properties and developing new specialized materials. Automatic pH scans and time-dependent recording of adsorption kinetics allow for a deep understanding of the surface chemistry.

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